Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Marking Period 1 of 4

This marking period I think that I did well. The work that I did was reasonable with the grade that I have. The theme that I had writing, I had worked hard on and the detail I put in al the blogs and themes so far. Hoping to have a grade that I would be happy with.  I thought that to kill a mocking bird was a book that had a lot of detail and was very interesting. Because of that I read this book without a struggle. The only change in that is I believe that we should have had more time in between each section, because sometimes I found myself feeling rushed to read. But I always enjoyed it while I was reading. It was not like most books the school assigns, this book had action, romance, historical facts, and some parts where even funny.  I also think that most of the quizzes in this class were generally easy, other then the memorization of the characters I always seemed to have trouble with.  I liked the fact that in this class there was not any major homework assignments, I think its harder for students to get any of the homework done if they are overwhelmed with so much in one class.  The time in class that we had to work on our blogs and themes were appreciated, we got a lot done in class and I used the time in class I had to complete what was asked of us at the time. This is how the first marking period reflexed on me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I chose "Imagine" by John Lennon because I think it relates to Atticus since he wants everything to be a perfect way. He wants the people of the town to look out for each other even when sometimes they do not. He likes to block the idea that people in Maycomb are not his friend, when there are many people out there that do not like him or his family. Atticus treats all blacks the way that people treat whites, equal. In the song, "Imagine" by John Lennon it talks about how not to be greedy and the brotherhood of man is necessary in life. You cannot live alone, you need help in your life and that's how Atticus' way of thinking is. He tries to raise Scout and Jem to think the same way as them but they are starting to see the real world when Atticus is surrounded by a mob.

 "Imagine" by John Lennon

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Cause of the Great Depression

There were many major reasons of what caused the great depression. In 1929 the stock marketing crashed, stockholders lost over 40 billion dollars and then in 1930 America entered the Great Depression. Also there was 9000 bank failure throughout the United States and banks that were left open where unsure of the economic situations so they were less willing to give out loans. Banks were much more stricked with their money. In the late 1920’s the money distribution was so unequal that it affected many other things later in the years. But the people who were wealthy still did not want to spend their money so it was never going back to the government. This made prices at local stores have to increase a lot more than anyone would want to spend.  The Federal Reserve had raised the interest rate again in the early 1930’s to preserve the value of the dollar. But this meant that businesses were restricted the availability for money. Causing many more places to go into bankruptcy. The main cause of the Great Depression was bad use and handling of the United States’ money by Making unequal salaries and, bad management of the money.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gossip in Maycomb

 The gossip that has gone around Maycomb almost always had something to do with the Radley house. Jem for being one of the many to never see Boo Radley described him very in depth. Saying that boo was six and a half feet tall, judging from the tracks he left. He ate raw squirrels and any neighborhood cat that he could find. Which he had bloodstains on his hands since he killed this all with his bare hands and once blood is on your hands it never comes out. When Jem described his face there was a huge scar covering half of it and his few teeth that where there were as yellow as could be. But when it came down to what had happen in the Radley house there were lots of different stories. Boo Radley was a little kid and he was sitting on the couch cutting things out of a magazine when he stabbed his mother out of nowhere in the leg. No one knows if that’s really what happened they just assume this from what the adult in the neighborhood tell them, and boo a day in the children’s life makes it very easy for them to believe whatever they hear.
There was also a lot of gossip going around about Jem and Scouts father, Atticus. He was a lawyer in the town and sometimes had to fight cases, where he knew he may lose. His most recent case is about a black man, and most of the town is finding it hard to take his side. They actually have their own views on him. He would get called a nigger lover for defending a black man. Not only did this happen at school but when they went to celebrate Christmas with their family he got called it there too. Francis had heard all this from his grandmother, he also heard that dill was poor and had a bad family life. He moved from family member to family member because he didn’t have one place to stay. In the summer he would stay with Miss Rachel, but not to visit for the summer it was because they didn’t want him. 
All this gossip relates to the movie doubt about the gossip because they both talk about gossip in a negative way. The scene was talking about how the feathers went everywhere, which it spread beyond reach. The old lady said that it was impossible to get every feather. Making gods point that gossip also spreads everywhere not just to one person that can be untold but to everyone around. Like in To Kill a Mockingbird gossip always comes back around to Scout , being spread through family, friends ,at school, the adults, everyone in the town would know about how Atticus was a nigger lover , and how Boo Radley was a man to be feared of.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Starting Life of Harper Lee

         Born on April 28, 1926 Harper Lee was the writer of the great novel to Kill a Mocking Bird. Published in the 1960’s she also owned part of the local newspaper.
Her father was a lawyer, and her mother had a mental illness. Harper lived in Monroeville, Alabama most of her childhood life. She was a loner much of her life she had one friend growing up, Truman Capote who also was interesting in being a writer. She was interested in English literature in high school and went to Huntingdon College in Montgomery, then later transferred to the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. She became the editor of the humor magazine there called Rammer Jammer. Harper lee got accepted to a law school and went there, that is when she told her family about her passion for writing so she went to a school in New York. Also she reunited with her old friend Truman, and worked for him in 1959, as a research assistant. A year later she published her first and only novel after 2 years of having it edited. It was a popular book, she sold over 15 million copies. Harper lee was happy with her success of her story and two years it was recreated into a movie .
