Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Marking Period 1 of 4

This marking period I think that I did well. The work that I did was reasonable with the grade that I have. The theme that I had writing, I had worked hard on and the detail I put in al the blogs and themes so far. Hoping to have a grade that I would be happy with.  I thought that to kill a mocking bird was a book that had a lot of detail and was very interesting. Because of that I read this book without a struggle. The only change in that is I believe that we should have had more time in between each section, because sometimes I found myself feeling rushed to read. But I always enjoyed it while I was reading. It was not like most books the school assigns, this book had action, romance, historical facts, and some parts where even funny.  I also think that most of the quizzes in this class were generally easy, other then the memorization of the characters I always seemed to have trouble with.  I liked the fact that in this class there was not any major homework assignments, I think its harder for students to get any of the homework done if they are overwhelmed with so much in one class.  The time in class that we had to work on our blogs and themes were appreciated, we got a lot done in class and I used the time in class I had to complete what was asked of us at the time. This is how the first marking period reflexed on me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow danielle great job on your blog post. Good job this marking period also. I had a good time this marking too. All of the papers and projects were fairly easy. I hope they stay this easy.
