Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I chose "Imagine" by John Lennon because I think it relates to Atticus since he wants everything to be a perfect way. He wants the people of the town to look out for each other even when sometimes they do not. He likes to block the idea that people in Maycomb are not his friend, when there are many people out there that do not like him or his family. Atticus treats all blacks the way that people treat whites, equal. In the song, "Imagine" by John Lennon it talks about how not to be greedy and the brotherhood of man is necessary in life. You cannot live alone, you need help in your life and that's how Atticus' way of thinking is. He tries to raise Scout and Jem to think the same way as them but they are starting to see the real world when Atticus is surrounded by a mob.

 "Imagine" by John Lennon


  1. "he likes to block the idea that people in Maycomb are not his friend..." i liked that you said this because it's true that Atticus tries to block away that not many people like him. he stands up for what he believes in though and does not let whatever says phase him. i think this was a good song to relate Atticus to.

  2. I think that Atticus wants to stand out from everybody else in Maycomb. From the time e left is father’s land it was obvious that he wanted to be different. I think Atticus is one of those people that just want to see the good in a situation, even if that situation is the Great Depression Era
